How to support employees who are regularly sick or late for work

One of the most common reasons given for wanting to terminate an employee is that the employee is “always late and takes sick days two or three times per month.” There’s no question that employee absence and tardiness can be disruptive to, and even prohibit, running your business, but how can you manage this common workplace issue?

Establishing the rules

You set the tone in your workplace, and establishing workplace rules, policies and procedures, ensures all employees are aware of expectations and are treated fairly. Having an attendance and sick day policy provides clear guidance as to time off entitlements, how and when to give notice of absence, and how to request time off in advance. 

When creating your policy, you should consider:

  • Employment Standards requirements about sick time – how many days? Is it paid or unpaid? Can you request a doctor’s note?
  • Who should the employee contact - Business owner? Supervisor? Team Lead?
  • How should they contact them – Telephone? E-mail? Text?
  • When should they contact them – as soon as they know they’ll be absent? Half an hour before the shift?
  • How should employees put in a request for time off in advance (i.e., vacation time, medical appointment) – in writing? Using a specific form? In person? Via e-mail?
When an employee is frequently sick

Yes, there are times when an employee calling in “sick” is questionable: the Friday of a long weekend, the day after their birthday, etc., but the reality is that some people really do get sick… a lot. In cases like this, it can be difficult to know how to manage the issue. On one hand, we need our employees to work to keep the business running; on the other hand, if they come to work sick, and get everyone else sick, now we have a real problem on our hands. 

If an employee is frequently sick but is a good employee when they are at work, you may want to look at “work from home” options for days when they shouldn’t be coming in but are still well enough to work. It is okay to get creative with work scenarios to manage this, providing the employee agrees (in writing). 

Have a conversation with the employee, asking how you can support them through this time, and find a solution that works for both the employee and the business. 

Remember: due to potential human rights and privacy issues, employers cannot ask about the specific nature of an illness; however, you can ask how you may be able to help your employee in improving their attendance at work.

What about being late all the time?

Chronic lateness is irritating – and is also time theft. However, rather than assuming that an employee who struggles with timeliness is inconsiderate or dishonest, give them the benefit of the doubt and take the time to learn why the employee is always late.  

While it is important to set clear expectations and guidelines surrounding the start and end of shifts, when there’s an issue, it can be beneficial to approach it from a position of caring and support. For instance, maybe your employee is a single parent who needs to get his kids to school at a certain time, or maybe she is a teen who lives with and takes care of her ailing grandpa. 

When addressing chronic lateness with your employee, ask what you can do to support them getting to work on time - perhaps you can begin their shift 30 minutes later. It can be hard to look beyond one frustrating aspect of an employee’s performance; however, being flexible, making a small change, and reiterating your expectations, may just reveal the employee that you’ve always wanted. 

Often, employees aren’t aware of the impact that their tardiness in the mornings, or their frequent Friday absences, have on their colleagues and the business. Sometimes, before taking disciplinary measures against an employee, simply explaining clearly and calmly the consequences of their behaviour, is enough to fix the problem.

Whether your business offers paid sick leave or not, setting attendance expectations, and communicating the value of each employee’s contribution to the business and the impact of any absences, will help your business meet customer needs and keep costs in check.

CFIB members can access a template Attendance and Sick Day policy in the Member Portal.

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