SK WCB Annual Employer Payroll Statement due February 28

Every year, all employers registered with the Saskatchewan Workers' Compensation Board (WCB) must complete an Employer's Payroll Statement (EPS) by February 28. An EPS is used to report your company's actual wages for the previous year and to provide an estimate for the upcoming year so that the WCB can assess your premiums.

Note: EPS must be submitted even if you have closed or sold your business, do not have workers, or do not want WCB coverage. 

New for 2025

Effective Jan. 1, 2025, the definition of a worker has changed under The Workers’ Compensation Act, 2013. 

Directors receiving wages reported on a T4 are no longer included in the definition of a worker. As a result, directors of a corporation are no longer considered workers and no longer have automatic WCB coverage.

Directors may be able to purchase optional personal coverage with the WCB. This means they may be eligible for benefits if they are injured at work. 

Because of this legislative change, the way you report worker wages on your EPS has changed. Any earnings for directors of a corporation should not be included as worker wages on your 2025 estimates of your EPS.

What to include on your EPS:

  • Report your actual gross payroll for the previous year. WCB will compare the actual payroll with the estimate your business provided the year before and make any adjustments.
  • Give an estimate of your gross payroll for the current year, up to the maximum assessable wage per worker.
  • List all the contractors you hired during the previous year, including detailed information on contract amounts and the type of work completed.

Watch WCB’s instructional videos about filing the EPS at How-to videos for employers- YouTube.

If you file your EPS after the February 28 deadline, you will be charged a penalty.

WCB has gone paperless. There are two ways to file your EPS online:

  • Fast File EPS – You can submit your EPS online without any special registration process. Anyone who has the access code and firm number found on the form we sent to you can submit the EPS using Fast File. Fast File your EPS now or learn more from the FAQs about Fast File EPS.
  • WCB Online Account – Employers who have set up an online account can send their EPS through this service. Log in now.

Mark your calendar to periodically review your payroll throughout the year (e.g. in May and December). If your payroll estimate is inaccurate, you can revise your payroll estimate at any time. Updating your payroll data can help avoid penalties from inaccurate reporting.

Need help from WCB's Employer Resource Centre? Call 1-800-667-7590 or send an email to

CFIB’s Business Resource Advisors are available to assist members of CFIB. Contact us at 1-833-568-2342 or