Newfoundland and Labrador Wildfire Support


Where to get information

 Government Social Media Accounts:

For your house/personal

Emergency Financial Assistance for Households

The provincial government will be distributing $1,000 in a one-time emergency financial assistance to households who had to evacuate their primary residence in Labrador City due to the wildfires.

People must register with the Red Cross in order to access the assistance:

  • Via telephone at 1-800-863-6582
  • Online at
  • In-person at E.J. Broomfield Arena, 2 Broomfield Street, Happy Valley-Goose Bay

Registration will close on July 31, 2024. 

More information is available on the government website

Health Services

Residents who are displaced or impacted by the wildfire should call 811 for urgent/non-emergent health issues and medication-related concerns, including prescription refills. 

A temporary ambulatory care clinic has been established in Wabush for residents with urgent/non-emergent issues. The clinic is by appointment only and residents are encouraged to call 811. If an in-person visit is required, residents will be contacted directly with an appointment time.

The 811 Health Line is available 24 hours, seven days a week, providing:

  • medical advice (including virtual nurse practitioner appointments which can usually be accommodated within three days),
  • health information; and
  • support in a mental health crisis.

Mental Health

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis or need support, call 811.

  • If you are feeling anxious and alone, you can also call the Lifewise Provincial Warm Line at 1-855-753-2560, seven days a week from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. ADT, to speak with a trained peer support worker who is there and ready to listen.
  • You can also visit Bridge the Gapp to access age-appropriate programs and services that are available locally, confidentially, and free.


SPCA Happy Valley-Goose Bay staff are at E.J. Broomfield Arena to assist anyone evacuating with pets. SPCA staff are encouraging families in Happy Valley-Goose Bay to foster pets in the short-term to assist those who have evacuated Labrador City.

Domestic Violence Help Line

Call or text 1-888-709-7090 to access a province-wide 24-hours a day, seven days a week, helpline for individuals experiencing domestic violence. Click here for more info.

Home Insurance

Just like business insurance, you will want to get in touch with your home insurance provider to ensure that your house is covered for wildfire damage. This is much more common to be included in home insurance, however, it is always best to confirm. Additionally, if you have not catalogued goods in your house that you would like insured (that you would not be able to bring with you in an evacuation), now is a good time to do so. Take a picture of the item and receipt (if available) and write a description.

Emergency Evacuation Plan

Wildfires can move fast. If you have kids, pets or a significant other, it is important to have an emergency evacuation plan in place, including multiple evacuation routes planned (should one be closed), a house exit strategy, plus “ditch kits” (i.e., an overnight bag prepared in case you need to grab and run, including non-perishable foods and water). Know where you are going to go. Do you have family or friends you can stay with? Call them now to confirm so you don’t have to scramble and fight for hotel space. Having a plan in place will help you to maintain your calm and be prepared.


CMHC encourages homeowners to contact their financial institution at the first sign of difficulty to discuss their individual situations and options.

CMHC provides lenders with options for homeowners that may be impacted by these unfortunate events including:

  • Deferral of payment
  • Re-amortization of the loan, to result in lower payments
  • Capitalization of outstanding interest arrears and other eligible expenses
  • Special payment arrangements
  • A combination of the above

For more information, homeowners may consult “How to Deal with Mortgage Payment Difficulties”.