Employee Assistance Programs - should you consider one?

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Chances are most people will struggle with work-life balance at some point in their career, and sometimes, despite an employee’s best intentions, stressors from their personal life will cause difficulties at work. 

This is when an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) can help. EAPs are a short-term counselling service aimed at helping employees and/or their family members manage personal and work-related issues such as stress, anxiety, family problems, and substance abuse. 

EAPs offer a variety of benefits that support both employees and employers:

  • Increased Productivity: By addressing personal challenges, EAPs can reduce absenteeism and presenteeism, leading to improved focus and productivity at work.
  • Reduced Healthcare Costs: Early intervention through EAPs can prevent more severe health issues, potentially reducing healthcare and disability costs for the company.
  • Enhanced Employee Retention: Offering support services shows that the company cares about its employees, which can improve morale, job satisfaction, and loyalty.
  • Workplace Safety: EAPs can assist in managing issues such as substance abuse, which directly contribute to a safer work environment.
  • Support During Critical Incidents: EAPs can provide crisis intervention support during events like workplace accidents or personal emergencies, helping employees cope effectively.
  • Confidential Support: The confidential nature of EAPs ensures that employees feel safe seeking help without fear of stigma or repercussions.
Maximising the benefits of an EAP:

The EAP must be easily accessible and ensure confidentiality to encourage employees to use the services without fear of stigma. A range of services, such as mental health counselling, financial advice and legal assistance should be offered to cater to a variety of employee needs. 

Regular communication about the EAP and its benefits, along with visible support for the program from management and leaders, can help increase awareness, trust, and utilization. Employees will place a higher value on the EAP if they can see how it aligns with the business’s other wellness and employee support initiatives.

Seek regular feedback from employees, and to evaluate the program’s impact and effectiveness, as well as ensuring the counsellors and providers are well-trained and certified professionals. 

Things to consider when choosing an EAP provider:

It’s important to find the EAP provider that is right for your business and your employees. Here are some questions to get you started, but you will need to add others, specific to your business, to ensure you find the best match:

  • How much experience do they have?
  • What services do they provide?
  • How are services provided? Toll-free number, online, in-person?
  • What is the service standard? Are call-backs done within 24hrs, 48hrs?
  • When are services available? Business hours, 24/7?
  • What data is provided to the business owner?
  • What is the cost of services?

If you already offer health benefits to your employees, check with your provider to see if they also offer an EAP. Alternatively, ask business associates if they have recommendations, or go online and do a search for "EAP service providers".

Supporting wellness in the workplace not only enhances overall productivity and engagement but also fosters a positive work environment where employees feel valued and supported. Providing an EAP is a benefit that could benefit not only your employees' overall wellness, but also your business through retention and productivity.

CFIB Members

Through our Savings Partnership with PrimaSure, CFIB members can access an EAP - and an OAP! The Owner Assistance Program has all the same great benefits and is available for business owners and their family. 

Not a member? JOIN TODAY to access this and many other savings and resources.