Small Business Votes
Saskatchewan Election 2024
Saskatchewan heads to the polls on October 28!
Make your voice heard!
Let’s make sure the next Premier of Saskatchewan’s priorities are your priorities!
Sign CFIB’s affordability petition to make sure government is focused on making life more affordable for your business!
Helping Small Businesses Prepare to Vote
Saskatchewan is heading to the polls as small business owners continue to struggle with rising costs, high interest rates, heavy debt loads, and ongoing labour shortages. Here you will find resources to help you prepare to vote such as: small business election priorities, campaign promises made by each of the parties, and the results of CFIB’s pre-election survey of party leaders.
Questions about voting? We've got you covered.
Find your Riding
Not sure who is running in your area? Use Elections Saskatchewan to find out who your local candidates are!

Questions about the election? Email or visit the frequently asked questions page to find the answer.
How do I vote?
From mail in ballots and advance polls to election day, we’ve got you covered! How to cast your ballot
Have Questions?
We're here to help. Please contact us and we'll make sure you get the information you need. Please call 1-844-425-8769.
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