Atlantic municipal report 2024: Which municipalities are small business friendly?

The Canadian Federation of Independent Business’s (CFIB) second Atlantic Municipal Report once again examines how well municipal governments respond to the needs of their local businesses. The report also challenges municipalities to adapt their policies to the changing business landscape in Atlantic Canada.

The contents of this report are centered around fiscal responsibility, red tape reduction measures, and policies conducive to small business growth. Using last year’s report as a benchmark, the 2024 iteration also includes an improvement category, highlighting the efforts undertaken by some municipalities to create a friendlier atmosphere for small businesses.

High commercial property taxes, slow and ineffective permitting, and increasing crime rates are all creating a difficult environment for small businesses in Atlantic Canada. Businesses are looking towards their municipal governments to implement policies to combat growing the number of difficulties when it comes to doing business.

FIGURE 1: Small businesses feel Atlantic municipal policies are not helping their businesses grow

Question: “Please indicate the extent to which you agree: Municipal policies help us to grow our business (e.g., tax breaks, rebates, grants)

Doughnut chart showing that 20% of small businesses agree, 72% disagree, 8% don't know or unsure

Source: CFIB, Atlantic Municipal Survey, n = 216.

The voices of Atlantic small businesses are the cornerstone of this report, and CFIB hopes that their municipalities can listen to their needs and develop policies that allow them to continue serving their local communities.

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