The Canadian carbon tax increases (per tonne, by year) are: (2019, $20), (2020, $30), (2021, $40), (2022, $50), (2023, $65), (2024, $80), (2025, $95), (2026, $110), (2027, $125), (2028, $140), (2029, $155), (2030, $170)

VICTORY: Carbon tax rebates finally delivered

CFIB Victories Opening quotation mark The Canada Carbon Rebate will put $2.5 billion directly into the hands of nearly 600,000 small business owners across the country... Closing quotation mark — Hon. Rechie Valdez, Federal Minister of Small Business

After years of CFIB advocacy, the government finally moved...
BUT THE FIGHT IS NOT OVER! The carbon tax will add 37 CENTS PER LITRE OF GAS BY 2030!

83% of small businesses still oppose the federal carbon tax plan*, up from 52% in 2022.

The carbon tax is up 300% and increasing!

*Source: CFIB, Your voice survey, April 2024.

Hon. Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Finance

CC: My Member of Parliament

Minister, the federal carbon tax is failing us.

Your government has collected billions from small businesses, yet it took 5 years to rebate even a fraction of that amount back to us. Before you returned a penny, you cut the rebate amount in half and there’s no end in sight to carbon tax increases.

Sky high costs continue to crush my business and I can’t keep raising prices on my customers!

83% of small businesses owners agree that the carbon tax is broken. It has to go!

I am asking you to:

  • Abandon the planned carbon tax increase on April 1, 2025.
  • Restore the rebate to 9% and expand it to include more small businesses.
  • Eliminate the carbon tax.