My Manitoba small business needs cost relief NOW!

Dollar sign inside a circle with an upward arrow symbolizing the cost increases

83% of businesses are having trouble keeping up with government costs (taxes, premiums, fees, etc.).

A matchstick figure bending under pressure from three dollar signs symbolizing the cost pressures small business owners are facing

75% of businesses believe the provincial government does not understand the cost pressures their business is facing.

Dollar sign inside a circle with an arrow passing through the circle symbolizing the rising prices and costs for small business owners

95% of businesses would like for the provincial government to prioritize addressing rising prices and the cost of doing business.

Progress made, more work to be done!

CFIB fought hard for:

List of victories that CFIB has fought for up until now for Manitoba businesses

More work to be done!

Opening quotation mark

Small businesses make up 98% of all businesses in Manitoba. They employ local citizens, sponsor community initiatives, and donate time and goods to local fundraisers, but they need help! CFIB is calling on the Manitoba government to help small firms stay afloat in a sea of rising costs. Closing quotation mark
— Brianna Solberg
CFIB Provincial Affairs Director

Dear Premier

CC: My Member of Parliament

The cost of doing business in Manitoba has skyrocketed! All I want is to afford to run a profitable business in this province!

To help me offset the increased costs of doing business in Manitoba and keep my business competitive, I am calling on your government to:

  • Increase the Payroll Tax exemption threshold to $2.5 million, and commit to decreasing tax rates.
  • Increase the small business corporate income tax rate threshold to $600,000.
  • Eliminate education property taxes, and ensure commercial property owners aren’t paying more than their fair share in the meantime.
  • Commit to a “do no harm” approach: no increasing costs or introducing new ones (e.g., paid sick days).
  • Legislate the WCB surplus distribution policy to require the Board to distribute surplus funds to employers if the funding target is exceeded.
  • Once minimum wage reaches $15.80, return to a stable predictable formula for future increases.