
Manitoba Election 2023: Key Small Business Election Asks and Priorities

Written by admin | Sep 6, 2023 11:31:23 AM

As we continue to weather the economic storm of inflation, interest rate hikes, and low consumer confidence, Manitoba small businesses will face a long and tough road to economic recovery.

While 99% of small business owners told us they plan to vote, only 25% said they were confident their concerns and priorities will receive attention during the election campaign.

Since the next government will be the steward of our economic recovery, it is crucial that their economic priorities line up with small business priorities. We asked you what those priorities should be, and here is what you told us:

CFIB Pre-election Survey

The next provincial government must adopt a “do no harm” approach to policies that will affect small businesses. Not only does this mean keeping existing costs and regulatory burdens low, but also avoiding adding new costs and additional red tape that could hamstring small business recovery.

Read a full breakdown of CFIB's election priorities here.